Towers of La Rochelle
What to expect
These three vertiginous towers were medieval fortifications that protected the capital of Aunis from sea invasions. Built majestically against the Atlantic Ocean, they served not only as a defensive role but also as arsenal, keep and daymark. The Lantern Tower, is home to the oldest and highest lighthouse in the Atlantic. The Tower of the Chaîne had a gunpowder magazine. Its architecture has given rise to a labyrinthine and playful itinerary that is sure to delight young and old alike.Opening hours
Opening hours | |
From 2nd January au 31st March | Open every day from 10h to 13h and 14h15 to 17h30 |
From 1st April to 30th September | Open every day from 10h to 13h and 14h15 to 18h30 |
From 1st October to 31st December | Open every day from 10h to 13h and 14h15 to 17h30 |
Attention: Last access 30 min before closing.
Closed: January 1, May 1 and December 25.
###Practical Information
Cancellation conditions: tickets non-cancellable, non-refundable.
Free admissions
- Persons under 18 years of age (family and non-school groups)
- Persons aged 18-25 (nationals of European Union countries and regular non-European residents in France)
- People with disabilities and their caregivers
- Jobseekers, upon presentation of an attestation of less than 6 months
- Culture Card - ICOM Card
- For everyone: the 1st Sunday of each month, from November 1st to March 31st.

Vieux Port - Rue de l'Archimede
17000 La Rochelle
17000 La Rochelle
Customer Reviews
Olivier B.
Published over a year ago
Un voyage dans le temps
La visite des 3 tours est impressionnante, chacune avec sa particularité et une exposition. De leur sommet, la vue sur la mer et le port vaut le détour lors d'un passage à La Rochelle. Le prix groupé à 9€ pour les 3 tours est intéressant car il est de 6€ par tour unique.
Published over a year ago
Excellent service
Excellent service! Rapide et fiable.
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